Irish Franciscan Martyrs

ANTHONY BRODER, of Galway family; a deacon; hanged, 1652 .

BONAVENTURE DE BURGO [Burke], of Mayo family; hanged, 1652.

RICHARD BUTLER and JAMES SAUL, the former a theologian and the latter a lay brother; perished in Cashel, 1647.

JOHN CATHAN [O' Kane] of Buttevant Convent; died in prison at Limerick, 1622.

DANIEL CLANCHY, of Thomond; lay-brother at Quin; hanged there, 1651. 

BERNARD CONNY [McGiolla Choinne], of Connaught; filled various offices in Irish Province; Guardian of St. Anthony's Louvain; died in prison in Galway, 1654.

HILARY CONROY, born in Co. Roscommon, of Elphin Convent; hanged at Castlecoote, 1642. 

JOHN CORNELIUS [O'Connor?], of the Convent of Askeaton; ordained 1581, martyred, 1587 (?1581.)

HENRY DELAHOYDE [Armstrong?], lay-brother, of a noble Leinster family; said to have suffered with Phelim O'Hara.

ROGER DE MARA [McNamara]; professed at Quin Abbey; killed in Clare Castle, 1651.

 JEREMIAH DE NERIHINI [McInerny], born at Tradree in Thomond; lay-brother at Quin; hanged there, 1651.

CHRISTOPHER DUNLEVY [Ultagh]; studied in Spain; preached in Ulster; died in Newgate Prison, London, 1644.

JOHN FERALL; put to death, 1652.

FRANCIS FITZGERALD, of noble Munster family; hanged in Cork, 1650.  

THOMAS FITZGERALD, of the Demond family; educated in Spain; Commissary and Visitor of Irish Province; died in prison at Dublin, 1617.

EDMUND FITZSIMON, DONOUGH O'ROURKE, and JOHN O'LOCHRAN of Down Convent; hanged, 1576 (?)

PHILIP FLASBERRY, native of Johnstown, near Naas; hanged near Dublin, 1651.

WILLIAM HICKEY, of Thomond; hanged, 1651. 

JOHN HONAN [Mc Connan], of Connaught; hanged at Dublin, 1617 or 1618.

BERNARD HORUMLEY [O'Gormley]; hanged at Drogheda, 1649.

JOHN KEARNEY, born at Cashcl, 1617; hanged in Clonmel 1658.

NEILL LOUGHRAN, of Ulster; professed at Armagh; hanged at Derry, 1652.

CONOR MACUARTA [M'Court], RORY CONGAILL [McC., McCole],  FERGAL WARD; put to death, 1575 (?). Ward was a native of Tyrconnell and Guardian ofArmagh.

TERENCE MAGENNIS [Turlough M'Inisky ?], died in Dublin Castle, LOUGHLIN MAC O'CADHA [M'Alea ?], MAGNUS O'FODHRY [Manus O'Fury], of Multyfarnham; died in prison at Ballyboy, 1591.

CHARLES Mac GORAN, RORY O'DONNELLAN, PETER O'QUILLAN, PATRICK O'KENNA, JAMES or JOHN PILLANUS [Pillin], RORY O'HANLON [O'Hanly?, MacEnlea ?]; died in prison in Dublin circa 1582.

HUGO Mac KEON, born and professed in Armagh; died in Athlone Prison, 1651. 

ANTHONY MUSAEO [Hussey] and WALTER De WALLIS (Walsh], natives of Leinster; hanged at Mullingar, 1650.

THADDAEUS O'BOYLE, Guardian of Donegal, where he suffered, 1588.

PATRICK O'BRADY [or Ward], Guardian of Monaghan, where he suffered with others of his community, 1589.

EUGENE O' CAHAN [O'Kane], of Thomond; studied in Rome; taught in Naples; opened a school in Quin in 1641; Guardian of Convent of Ennis; hanged in Slieve Luachra in Munster, 1652.

THADDAEUS O'CARAGHY, of Thomond; studied in Hungary and Austria; hanged at Ennis, 1651.

JOHN O'DALY; done to death, 1584. 

THADDAEUS or THOMAS O'DALY [Teig O'Dulan]; hanged at Limerick, 1571.

JOHN O'DOWD, of the Convent of Moyne, diocese of Killala; put to death, 1577-1579.

ANTHONY O'FARREL; put to death at Tulsk, 1652

PHELIM O'HARA, lay-brother, of noble Sligo family; slain at Moyne, diocese of Killala 1578 or 1582.

DONAT or DONOUGH O'HURLEY [O'Murley], Sacristan of Muckross Convent (Irrelach); killed, 1586.

PHILIP O'LEA [O'Shea], MAURICE O'SCANLON, and DANIEL HIMRECAN [Donogh O'Hanrahan]; slain at Lislachtin, 1580.

EUGENE O'LEMAN [O'Teman]; killed in Donegal Convent, 1650 (1649 ?). 

MATTHEW O'LEYN; pierced when flying from Convent of Kilcrea in Muskerry, 1590 (?1599.)

FRANCIS O'MAHONY, born at Cork, where he was Guardian; studied in Spain and Belgium; hanged at Cork, 1642. 

THADDAEUS O'MERAN [O'Morochue, Murphy], Guardian of Enniscorthy 1582.


DERMOT O'MULRONEY, native of Thomond, Superior of Galbally; and BROTHER THOMAS AND HIS COMPANION; beheaded, 1588 (? 1570.)

DANIEL O'NEILAN (O'Doilean]; lived some time in Spain; suffered at Youghal in 1580.

DENIS O' NEILAN, born at Ennis; Parish Priest of Kilraghty; spent five years in France; hanged on the Island of Inchicronan, 1651.

CORNELIUS O'ROURKE of princely family; companion in travels and martyrdom of Patrick O'Healy, Bishop of Mayo, 1579.

FRANCIS O'SULLIVAN of princely family; became Provincial, 1650; shot in Kerry, December, 1651.

RICHARD SYNNOT, JOHN ESMOND, PAUL SYNNOT, RAYMUND STAFFORD, PETER STAFFORD, DIDACUS CHEEVERS AND JOSEPH  ROCHFORD. The first was a professor of Theology and sometime Guardian; the last two were lay-brothers, all natives of Wexford; perished in massacre of 1649.

NICHOLAS WOGAN; hanged in Leinster, 1650.

Suffered for the faith but not listed among the Martyrs:

Dermot O'Bruodin, 'fool for Christ'; imprisoned and tortured; died 1617 in Ennis.


Marie Gauley said...

May all the Irish saints pray for us!

Marcella said...
